Why a crochet flower bouquet is a great gift

A crochet flower bouquet, the best gift idea for someone with seasonal allergies.

And for pet owners!

Everyone knows that the act of giving flowers is perceived as a loving gesture to show other people that you care about them deeply. That is why they are used, to cherish, to congratulate, to wish good luck or offer condolences. Of course, people do not offer flowers only for these occasions, they can also be used as an element of surprise on a regular day. Some people may have a hard time expressing their feelings therefore, may also use flowers to convey a particular message or feeling.

Crochet flowers and bouquets bring a unique twist because unlike real flowers, which eventually wilt and lose their charm, crochet flowers are a long-lasting alternative that can bring joy for years to come. The beauty of it all is that crochet bouquets can be customized to fit any preference, be it color scheme or theme, making them extremely versatile and a unique piece to have in a home.

The benefits of giving a crochet bouquet as a gift:

Long-lasting: They can last so many years if you give them proper care from time to time. This is a great gift for someone who enjoys flowers, minus the short lifespan.

Personalized: The amount of customization is endless when it comes to crochet flowers. You can change about anything and everything when it comes them. You can even ask for initials or a date to be added onto the wrapping, be it classic or crocheted too. It is a handmade item which adds value because it shows that the gift-giver put time and effort in order to make something special for the receiver.

(Have you ever seen how bad the real flowers look in hypermarkets after being painted over or having their petals colored through various techniques? Absolutely dreadful, poor plants.)

Allergy free: For how many people does spring bring discomfort due to pollen allergies? I know so many people that enjoy flowers but when it comes to owning some, they will pass for this exact reason. I believe that this is a great alternative for people that enjoy flowers but dread the idea of having them due to physical issues.

Pet-Friendly: Pet owners know the story. You love a bouquet of flowers but you can’t bring it home because it is poisonous if the pet ingests it. Unless that bouquet is well guarded, it represents a very risky thing to have in your home. With a crochet bouquet though? The worst the pets could do is to chew it but even then it is safer and salvageable.

Eco-friendly: I think we all know that the flower business has been discussed a lot on social media in the past few years due to the waste that it creates through transportation, disposal and soil. That is why we start to see more potted plants used a gift lately. A crochet bouquet does not require any resources therefore they are considered a great alternative to their real counterparts.

Look how stunning these crocheted flower bouguets are!
They are made by SofieKreation which are sold on Etsy.
The perfect occasions for a crochet bouquet:

Anniversaries: Celebrate milestones such as one year of being together or even 25. It can easily become a symbol of the start of a long lasting relationship and not only.

Birthdays: A thoughtful and unique gift for someone’s birthday, an infinite presence in their life.

Mother’s Day: A good fit for your never-ending love for your mother, grandmother, daughter. The flowers can even be designed in such way to represent the members of the family and much more!

Valentine’s Day: A romantic gift that represents your immeasurable love to your significant other. You can even add a cute and loving note along with some sweets to enrich the experience!

Housewarming: Did anyone you know moved or got their new place? Why not get something special so that they will always remember your presence on that special day?

Good health wishes: A thoughtful gift to someone who really needs it. Brighten their day for a bit and give them a good memory.

How to get a crochet bouquet and what are the advantages?

You can find and at the same time help a local business or crafter in your area. Look at their previous work, be it a website, social media posts such as Instagram or Facebook or even TikTok videos. Ask for their prices and the options available when it comes to their craftsmanship in regards to flowers and overall customization. Be mindful of your person’s preferences and the occasion. If you feel unsure, you can ask someone close to them about it or even the artist who is doing it for suggestions.

If you are a little bit brave, you can make it yourself. There are many resources on the internet to help you make this creative and sentimental gift. I found this website or this website to be great resources when it comes to free crochet patters for flowers.

So? What are you waiting for? Go out there and explore your creativity for your loved ones! 

I believe these tips and resources will help you decide on a stunning and thoughtful crochet flower bouquet that will be treasured dearly by the recipient of the gift for years to come.

If you want to know how crocheting came to my help when I wanted to make a gift, check my blog post about it!

If you don’t know what kind of gift to give to someone, visit my other blog post about it!

Thank you for reading and see you on my next article!

crocheted sunflowers in a vase